An Easy Way To Make Some Money Online

If you happen to be reading this article, you're clearly looking for a way to start making money online. Over the next few paragraphs you'll find one of the most absolute basic ways to accomplish this task. As such, there is much more than what's written here to making a good living online, but, it's a good start.

1) Decide on a market. No doubt you've been researching how to make some money online for some time now and you've come across the topic of choosing a niche. Well, that's this step. Find a target market that is clearly hungry for more information about their niche and show a willingness to spend money on whatever the niche may be. During this step, if you're just beginning, try to avoid niche's that are extremely competitive. If you're lucky, you may even stumble across a niche that is actually under promoted, which would be gold in the bank.

2) Find something to sell them. In order to make some money online you have to sell something. Whether that be ad space, information, products, services, consulting or whatever it's entirely up to the market you've chosen to target. If you don't happen to have something that you can sell personally, then you need to find somebody that does. This is easy, just do a search in Google for your target niche and affiliate programs related to it and you'll no doubt come up with plenty of options.

3) Build a web page. Obviously, if you're going to make some money online you need a web page to make it from. In this era of the Internet this has become extremely easy to do. There are sites that, within minutes, you can have a page up and visible and you can have it done without knowing a single thing about coding a web page. Just, don't forget to include your affiliate links on your web page or the links to the product you're selling.

4) Promote your web page. The final step to make some money online is to promote, promote and promote some more. All of the steps to the process are almost equally important, but without promoting and getting traffic to your web page you're not going to get anybody to buy or click on your affiliate links. You can accomplish this by posting in relevant forums, social bookmarking, article marketing, RSS marketing, submitting your site to directories and any of the other marketing methods that help build traffic.

There you have it, a very basic bare boned approach to make some money online. Of course, there is much more than can be and should be done but this is one of the most simple ways you can get started and working towards making a living online.


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  • Promote Your Blog Content For FREE!
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    Free Blogspot Templates and Free Webmaster Tools

    Here is a screen shot of one of the 4 column blogger templates you can found at 4 Column Templates For Blogger.

    four column blogger template - Free Blogger Templates - Themed, Two, Three and Four Columns
    You can find more free four column Blogger templates when you visit the blog.

    Here's a link to my previous post on free three column Blogger templates.

  • Wordpress Themes Converted For The New Blogger.
  • Create Your Own Free Three or Two Column Blogspot Templates
  • Free Templates For New Blogger
  • Free Unique, Themed, Two and Three Columns Blogger Templates
  • Free Blogspot Templates Converted From Wordpress Themes
  • Free Blogskins For Blogger, Xanga, Movable Type etc.
  • Free Templates For Blogger (Classic Templates, Blogger Beta or New Blogger) - Part I
  • Free Templates For Blogger (Classic Templates, Blogger Beta or New Blogger) - Part II
  • Cost Free Three Column Templates For New Blogger

  • I hope that you'll find the links useful. The links and posts on Free Blogger templates will continue to grow over the coming days as I search for more websites or blogs that offers free Blogger templates. If you know of a website or a blog that offers free Blogger templates that hasn't been included on my list, please inform me through my email - bloggingmix[at]gmail[dot]com or you can just leave a comment on this post.

    You might also be interested in these free useful tools you can use to evaluate your blog's performance.

    Check Your Alexa Traffic Rank - View and compare Alexa Ranking graphs. Check Your Alexa Traffic Rank
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    Check Your Website for Broken Links - Use this tool to check for broken links on a website.Check Your Website for Broken Links
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    Reciprocal Link Checker - Check your reciprocal links to see if link partners are still linking back to your site.Reciprocal Link Checker
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    Keyword Density Checker - This tool is useful for helping webmasters achieve optimum keyword distribution.Keyword Density Checker
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    Search Listings Preview - Create a preview of how your website will appear on Google, MSN and Yahoo Search.Search Listings Preview
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    Domain Whois - Find all the information you need on any domain name. Check the DNS settings, Registrar details and much more.Domain Whois
    Find all the information you need on any domain name. Check the DNS settings, Registrar details and much more.

    Google PageRank Prediction - This predictor tool does what it says, it predicts your future Google PageRank.Google PageRank Prediction
    This predictor tool does what it says, it predicts your future Google PageRank.

    Keyword Suggestion - Find related keywords matching your search.Keyword Suggestion
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    Meta-tags Generator - Generate and configure your meta-tags.Meta-tags Generator
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    Link Shortener - Make a long web address short and easy to remember.Meta-tags Generator
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    Link Price Calculator - Estimate how much to pay for a link.Link Price Calculator
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    Domain Availability Checker - Check for available domain names.Domain Availability Checker
    Check for available domain names.

    Thank you for using these free tools. I hope you found them useful.

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    How To Have A Low Cost Web Site With High Cost Features

    There a lot of solutions out there that enables anyone to create a web site.

    Though these solutions usually give a variety of templates that the user can choose from and customize with his own information.

    The problem arises when the site owner wants more than just an informative site.

    He wants to communicate with his web site surfers, receive feedback from them in a variety of issues i.e. Contact us form, Polls, Feedback and many more “Web Forms”.

    To create and add these “Web Forms” usually he needs a programmer’s help (paid of course) that will build him the code of those “Web Forms” and to upgrade his hosting from a simple HTML hosting to Code / Database hosting.

    These operations increase the cost of the web site ten folds and even more.

    There are some solutions out there that enable a non programmer web site owner to create and manage forms, in this article I would like to suggest one of them: is web platform that enables you to do that and more.

    Creating a form is the first step using the system.

    The form creator tool is a user friendly web form designer, which does not require graphic or technical skills whatsoever.

    Using the form creator tool, one can create, change and delete forms.

    Also you can publish the form through your web site (using the formlogix platform with no need for database and expensive hosting)

    Once data is gathered through the form, one can view it using a web based interface.

    The information viewed can be sorted and sliced for maximum comfort.

    You will also be able to create, edit, and delete data.

    Whenever there is a new data entry, you will be advised via e-mail, and will thus be kept up-to-date.

    Highly sophisticated query builder will assist you in filtering your data, and creating charts based on it.

    You can use the platform to create:

    Contact us forms, registration forms, surveys, polls, business forms, order forms, questionnaires, employee satisfaction forms - these are only a few of an endless range of forms, that can be produced with the Formlogix form creator tool.

    About The Author

    Alex Liverant is a senior software computer engineer with an experience of over 15 years in programming an design architecture. He’s currently a senior software engineer in


  • Create Your Free Three Column or Two Column Template
  • Beware of Quechup. It's One Hell of a Spammer!
  • Submit Your Blog to Free Directories
  • Exchange Blog Reviews - An Open Invitation
  • How To Protect Your Blogger Blog From Hackers?
  • Viral Linking to Increase Technorati Ranking and Google Page Rank
  • Blogging Contest
  • - Blogging Mix Review
  • Improving Comment System For Blogger Users
  • Free, Unique, Themed, 2 and 3 Column Blogger Templates
  • Blogging Mix - Performance Report 3 Months After It Was Launch
  • Optimizing Your Title Tag - For Blogger Users
  • Effective Ways to Increase Your Technorati Ranking
  • DOFOLLOW Blogs With Good Page Ranking
  • Dramatically Increase Your Technorati Ranking and Google PR
  • Alternative to Search Engines - Ways to Attract Traffic
  • How to Remove the 'NOFOLLOW' Attribute on Your Comment?
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    Why Bluetooth Headset Reviews are Important

    Bluetooth headset reviews are important if you are wanting to buy a Bluetooth headset. When looking for a Bluetooth headset, you may have a few questions you would like to ask someone who owns one, or has owned one. The reviews for this headset would be an excellent resource for you to possibly see if anyone has answered your questions in the reviews.

    What is a Bluetooth headset review? Well, a review for a Bluetooth headset is feedback that a customer that has used the product before has left a comment on that product. Many times this person has owned the product for a while and gave it a 100 percent chance before leaving their comment. However, you would be surprised.

    While reading through the Bluetooth headset reviews, keep in mind that any negative remarks may not be all true. Sometimes people will have a small bad experience with something and leave a negative comment, when in fact the whole story is not present, or only one part of the story. Which leaves you with information that is not always correct. After all, you can not believe everything that you read on the internet. Sometimes you have to take the negative comments with a grain of salt.

    The good comments left as a Bluetooth headset review, are usually correct. Think about it, why would someone take time out of their busy day to comment on a product? Why? Because the product has impressed them. Usually people will not take the time to make false pleasant comments just for the fun of it.

    Bluetooth headset reviews can be an important thing to read over if you are wanting to purchase one. Wether or not you read over them, that would be your decision. Once you have purchased your headset, you are always welcome and sometimes encouraged to post a review yourself.

    About The Author

    Waldo Dingman has been a sound technician at a recording studio for over ten years. In his line of work, he has tested literally hundreds of different headsets and on, he shares his in-depth analysis of different brands and models.

    Exchange Blog Reviews - An Open Invitation

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    How To Post Your First Ebay Auction in Five Simple Steps

    Ebay is the internet's largest marketplace, and it's an excellent place for buyers to find what they want at bargain prices, and for sellers to find buyers. If you haven't posted an auction on ebay before, It’s fairly simple to post your first auction on eBay. Just do the following five steps.

    Step 1: Open an eBay seller’s account.

    Obviously, this is the first thing you need to do . If you’ve bought things on eBay, then you already have an account – just log in with it and click ‘Sell’ in the toolbar at the top of the page, then click ‘Create a seller’s account’. If you’ve never used eBay before, then you’ll need to open an account first using the ‘register’ link underneath the toolbar, and then click ‘Sell’ and ‘Create a seller’s account’. The eBay site will then guide you through the process. For security, this may involve giving card details and bank information.

    Step 2: Decide what to sell.

    For your first little experiment with eBay, it doesn’t really matter what you sell. Take a look around the room you’re in – I’m sure there’s something in there that you’re not all that attached to and could put in the post. Small books and CDs are ideal first items. Once you get more used to how things work, try to indentify which market is right for you.

    You need to consider two things in your market choice. The first is market size, which indicates how much demand exists for the products you're considering to sell. Second, your personal intterest in what you sell. You must balance between those two factors to be successful.

    Another thing I noticed on Ebay is what I call the Uniqeness Factor. What I mean by that is how unique are your offerings. If people see a lot of people selling the same item. They will tend to buy the cheapest, and that starts price wars between sellers. A smart seller chooses a smaller, more profitable niche to conquer. When you differentiate your offerings your profits and chances of making a sale will be higher. That's why starting with your own things at home will be unique enough and wouldn't cost you much for your first auction.

    Step 3: List your item on Ebay.

    Click ‘Sell’, and you’re on your way to listing your item.

    Before you go ahead and list your item, look at some other existing sellers and learn from them. Notice how they layout their auction page, what keywords they use. Also note their starting prices and determine some of the startegies they use to attract bidders.

    Next, choose a category – it’s best to just type in what the item is and let eBay choose for you. Next, write a title and description. Include key words you think people will search for in the title box, and all the information you have about the item in the description box.

    Make sure you build an attractive and inforamtive auction page. Use pictures and headlines to highlight the benefits of your product. Answer as much questions a buyer might have as you can. Clearly state your refund, shipping and payment policies and contact information.

    Now set a starting price. $0.01 is the best starting price, as it draws people in to bid who otherwise wouldn’t, and items will almost never finish at such a low price. The next thing to set is the duration of the auction: 3, 5, 7 or 10 days. This is up to you: longer sales will usually get more bids, but will also seem to drag on forever. If you’ve taken a picture, add it now – items with pictures always sell for more. Finally, tick the payment methods you will accept (just PayPal is best for now), and where you will post to (limit yourself to your own country to begin with). Submit and you’re done!

    Step 4: Wait for it to sell.

    This is just a matter of sitting back and letting eBay do its thing – buyers will find your item and leave bids on it. Some bidders might email you with questions about the item, and you should do your best to answer these questions as quickly as you can.

    Remember that if your item doesn’t sell then you can list it again for free.

    Step 5: Collect payment and post it.

    eBay will sent your buyer emails guiding them through the process of sending you payment for the item. Make sure you have the money before you send anything.

    Once you’ve got the payment, all you need to do is pack the item for posting (make sure to use some bubble wrap), take the buyer’s address from the confirmation email eBay sent you, and write it on the parcel. Put some stamps on, post it, and you’re done!

    I hope you will enjoy selling your first item on Ebay.

    About The Author

    Ahmed Nassar is the founder of a free wholesale suppliers dirctory that has great resources for ebay sellers and ecommerce web stores owners. lists merchandise suppliers in 40 categories for free.


  • Blogging Contest
  • - Blogging Mix Review
  • Improving Comment System For Blogger Users
  • Free, Unique, Themed, 2 and 3 Column Blogger Templates
  • Blogging Mix - Performance Report 3 Months After It Was Launch
  • Optimizing Your Title Tag - For Blogger Users
  • Effective Ways to Increase Your Technorati Ranking
  • DOFOLLOW Blogs With Good Page Ranking
  • Dramatically Increase Your Technorati Ranking and Google PR
  • Alternative to Search Engines - Ways to Attract Traffic
  • How to Remove the 'NOFOLLOW' Attribute on Your Comment?
  • Free Templates For Blogger and Wordpress
  • Problem With Static Technorati Blog Ranking and Authority?
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    Create Buzz for Your Business via a Contest!

    A very easy way to get more people to your site and also more interested in what you offer is to start your own online contest. It is something that is very easy to do. You probably can even get other companies to become sponsors in return for posting their logo and link to their website on your contest page. This will also help you bring in more viewers but if you get sponsors you will now have a wider selection of prizes to offer. Also see if the sponsor will post the contest link on their site as well.

    It is actually an interesting thing that many other sites don't do it. Not only is it a good way to increase the amount of visitors to your website but it also rewards people for coming to your website. Running multiple contests every so often will keep visitors interested and coming back to visit your website to see if there are any new contests going on. It can help build your whole site up or specific part like your forum.

    Not only will people come back to your site but after they enter into the contest they will tell other people about it so that they can enter as well. Then those people tell their friends and then they tell their friends and so on. So you can see how it can spread out. Also while visiting your website to enter the contest they will browse around to see what you are offering. This can lead to increased sales as well as an increase in the number of people who sign up on your forum and newsletter.

    Prizes can range from cash prizes or to virtual products such as software, web design packages or web hosting packages. When you start your contest be sure to set a cut off date for entries, limit number of entries allowed and when the draw date will help. Have them either email you with a certain line in the subject header or enter via web form online. Then take all of the names and set them up so you can draw randomly(such as putting them in a hat). Then choose what prize you are drawing for and pull out a name.

    So as you can see the benefits of a contest are not only for your site but for your visitors too. They will love you for it and will keep coming back for more. Plus it is easy and fun to do, so why not!

    About The Author

    Anthony Jewell has over 6 Years experience in the Web & Graphics World. You can visit my business at

    ©Copyright 2005 : Feel free to use this article freely but please keep in the copyright

    Blog Contest, Blogging Contest - Win Prizes

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    Writing Copy That Sells - What's The Big Secret?

    When someone buys a product, what they actually are buying is the benefit of owning that product.

    A woman buys a gift to celebrate a birthday or express a thank you... but deep down she wishes to be generous, thoughtful and remembered. A man buys a new set of golf clubs – his old set might be a bit worn out, true... but he's really hoping this new set will knock strokes off his game and improve his prestige at the clubhouse.

    Writing copy that sells is all about showcasing these benefits to the potential buyer. It can be a product or a service - what sells is the excellent benefits they bring. It's the benefits that motivate and persuade the reader that your product will make his or her life easier or better.

    To put it another way, there are hundreds of gifts and golf clubs out there. Why buy yours? The buyer's inner decisions will determine the sales outcome, after all. As a copywriter, your mission is to develop a relationship with the reader, understand his problems, and then solve those problems with your product. Lead him to choose you!

    Here's a look at some key points to writing great sales copy, all focused around selling the benefits of your product or service:

    Use Attention-Grabbing Headlines.

    They say headlines pull in 80% of the orders if done correctly. Your "hook" headline is the most important piece of copy on your page. Make it irresistible. Good, effective headlines get your readers' attention and draw them into your sales copy. Now you're on your way to a sale.

    Write Copy That Answers The Age-Old Question: "What's In It For Me?"

    Explain the features of your product or service only in a secondary light. Features are product centered. Benefits are people centered and solve problems! It is easier to sell a solution to a problem than it is to sell the same feature that hundreds of other products have. Simply put, your copywriting should highlight these problems, and then offer your product or service as the best solution.

    Establish Trust. Show Them You're Real.

    Rapport is so important! Part of what will lead your readers through your copywriting is the one-on-one relationship you develop with them. This is especially true in web site copywriting.

    Write about your product or service from the standpoint of a friendly expert. Study the product information and history until you know it well. Present the information in an entertaining, clear and concise way. People want to do business with an expert. Keep your writing as simple as you can, too. Never lose your readers in the details.

    Understand Your Audience!

    Who is your target market? What do they need? How old are they? What brought them to read your sales copy? This kind of information will make a great impact in how you write your copy. It is impossible to sell to everyone, so narrow your copywriting down to focus on your real target market.

    This one tip alone will reshape how you write your sales copy. When you understand and write for targeted readers, the return will be remarkable.

    Because you'll know who they are and what they need, you will be practicing all of the above techniques by default:

    -- You will be able to write targeted headlines that will grab your readers

    -- You will be able to show your readers what is in it for exactly them

    -- You will establish rapport with your readers

    Writing copy that sells simply focuses on good, old-fashioned human behavior! We all want benefits in life. Write about them.

    Copyright 2006 Trish Andrews

    About The Author

    Trish Andrews helps freelance writers and businesses grow and profit through writing and search engine optimization. To discover how to prosper from SEO web content in your business, or to hire a writer that will make your site come alive ... visit her website at - Submit your blog for free and join the contest now!

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    Writing For Free: When & When Not to Do It!

    Right off the bat, I want to say that there is no right or wrong answer to this topic. A lot depends on your end goal — to get a job, garner publicity, build a portfolio, etc. However, there comes a time when every writer should say no to writing for free. Below are some issues that I've been pondering about freelance writing.

    Issue 1: Content for websites. Content is king on the Internet and everyone wants something fresh and unique on a regular basis. If you are promoting a product/service and write articles to generate publicity, then by all means, give the content away.

    However, if what you are selling is your writing skill and are not promoting anything, then don't give it away. You'd be better off doing a direct mail campaign and spending your time creating pieces for your portfolio — even if they are only make-believe companies.

    One could argue that the reason good writing is taken for granted is so many give it away. I give a lot of content away, but only within the framework of WIIFM (what's in it for me).

    Issue 2: Writing on spec: For those of you who don't know what this is, see this excellent primer article at This established freelance writer explains spec writing brilliantly. The bottom line, once your portfolio is complete with good samples, stop this practice.

    The exception would be if it's a credit from a noted source that you really want. After all, who's going to turn down Fortune? However, I believe there's a big enough need for good writers that you don't have to sell your soul for one credit, even if it is a "biggie."

    How many samples should you have? I advise between five and ten. Try to get them from different sources — eg, two newspaper, three websites, two brochure, one sales letter, etc. This will give your portfolio a range. Nonprofits, friends with small businesses, neighborhood shops — all are possible non-paid sources to build your writing credits.

    A tip: Choose a small business and do the brochure, sales letter, etc. first. Then, send it to your target and ask if they would mind if you included it in your portfolio. I don't know any small business that would refuse a well-written promotional piece that doesn't cost them a dime. Bang, a legitimate credit!

    Issue 3: Original Content & Rights: I don't believe in giving away original content — again, unless you are promoting a product/service or are just starting out. I am constantly amazed at the number of publications that want original content but don't want to pay for it.

    An example. I write a small business column. An editor saw it and approached me to be a regular contributor to their publication, which is quite noted in business circles. The kicker? They didn't want my column but wanted me to contribute original content with no pay. I had to turn them down. I offered the column at no charge (since I already write it), but explained that original content outside of this without payment was not possible.

    If you write, then you know it's not easy coming up with original content on a regular basis. Some subjects are so covered that nine times out of ten, new ground is never being broken. We are usually just putting a new spin on it. This costs brain cells! And, trust me, not everybody can do it.

    So, the next time you put finger to keyboard, think about your objective. If we all stopped giving away our pearls of wisdom, then the pay level across the board would be raised.

    About The Author

    May be reprinted with inclusion of the following: Yuwanda Black is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and syndicated small business columnist whose focus is controlling your destiny through small business ownership. Her most recent e-books, How to Really Make a Living as an Editorial Freelancer and Advice from Successful Freelancers: How They Built Their Careers & How You Can Too! are available for immediate download at Visit her on the web at for a complete list of how-to, small business books and articles.

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    Blogging For SEO: How To Get Maximum Search Benefit From Your Small Business Blog

    If you have a small business blog, or are thinking of starting one, you should be aware of the ways you can use your blog to drive traffic to your Website. It's simpler than you think.

    The first thing to understand about your blog is that each entry is counted as one Web page. Even if you have your blog set to display 10 blog posts on the same page, each of them is counted as a separate Web page by the search engines. That's why it is important to treat each blog entry as an SEO tool. The following tips should be kept in mind for each blog entry in order to optimize them for the search engines and drive more traffic to your Website from your blog:

    1. Optimize each blog post around a single keyword
    2. Make sure your keyword is in your blog post title, preferably at the beginning
    3. Use subheads with or tags that also use your keyword
    4. Include 1-3 keyword links (anchor text) in your blog posts
    5. Sign every blog post with a signature link that uses your keyword
    6. Use bold and italics effectively to emphasize certain keywords and phrases
    7. Be sure to ping the directories
    8. Include tags for all of your blog entries
    9. Use categories effectively
    10. Make links appear natural by linking to internal pages of your Website

    Because each blog entry is a separate Web page, the search engines will crawl them and index them just as they do your Web pages. Optimize each one heavily around a specific keyword related to your Website and that's an extra doorway into your Website for each page indexed at the search engines. Also, by adding anchor text to a couple of those keywords and pointing those links to relevant internal Web pages of your Website you are improving the SEO effect of your blog entry. A poll of top SEO experts by SEOmoz revealed that a majority of those SEO experts said these type of keyword links are among the top 10 most important SEO factors for ranking Web pages. Don't give up on keywords and anchor text.

    You'll also want to include keyword tags with each blog entry. Those tags will be used by the search engines to index your pages appropriately for your keywords. Also, social bookmarkers will find it easier to tag your blog entry if they like it and this makes it easier to share among their social group.

    Your blog category should indicate an important element of interest as well. Unlike tags, you should only choose one category for each blog post. Don't use "main" or "uncategorized." Those are too generic. Use a specific keyword-related category as that will make your blog posts more crawlable by the search engines.

    There are more than 100 blog directories that you can ping to let them know you have updated your blog. I suggest you do this every time you update your blog. With WordPress, and several other blogging software platforms, you can input each directory into a field and the software will send out an automatic ping each time you update your blog. If you are not using WordPress you should go to Ping-o-Matic and use it to ping your blog for free.

    Finally, if you sign your blog posts with a keyword-rich signature that points to a relevant internal page of your Website, this will make your Website more crawlable and give you another anchor text link. Use something like, "Find Out More About Keyword." Then add another link that points to your home page.

    The important thing to remember about keywords and links, whether on your blog or your Website, is to make them appear natural. The benefits are enormous.
    About The Author
    Caroline Melberg is President and CEO of Melberg Marketing. She has over 20 years of experience creating exciting marketing campaigns for some of the most successful companies in the world. She publishes the popular eZine, "Blue Chip Tips: The Secrets of Blue Chip Marketing...Revealed!" Learn more today at

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    Love Links

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    Blogging for Profits

    Bloging (the act of writing to a blog) has become one of the fastest growing trends this year and many internet gurus believe that this is the new biggest trend. Well, you might ask yourself what is the big deal I don't even know what a blog is?

    To put it simply a blog is a big deal because it can mean a lot of money for you. First, lets define what a blog is then I will get to the good stuff the money and riches! Blog is short for web log, it is just the two words pushed together. You can kind of think of it like a Captains log on a ship, or a diary. It is a quick and easy way to add content to the web with out having to use html. It is instant, quick and really easy.

    Now you might ask yourself why would I want to keep my diary online? It basically is a great way to make money. Let me explain that in a little more detail. For most search engines there are two major factors in how well you rank, first is the content of your site and second are the links to your site. Meaning the more key word focused content and the more links you have the higher you will rank in the search engine. We all know it does not pay to be listed number 1 million out of 5 million for a keyword. So everyone is competing for the top 10 spots. Well, the quickest and easiest way to rank above the others is to add tons of key word focused helpful content to your site. The more value you add to the internet the more value you will get out of it. So you can help yourself by helping others and providing knowledge for free in the form of content. A blog creates a very easy way to publish this content because it will publish your content tot he web as soon as you are done typing and best of all there are no html skills required. In fact you can blog for free which I will talk about in article 2. Secondly a blog is a great way to use some basic linking strategies that will help get your site into the search engines. So by setting up a blog you can quickly publish high quality key word focused content and you can include tons of great links to your site.

    So let me quickly recap for you why you want to blog. A blog provides a quick, often free way to publish your content on the web and an easy way to link to your website for more traffic. These are important for any webmaster that wants to make money because it all converts to more traffic to your website and more traffic means more people purchasing your product.

    So now that you know what a blog is and why blogging is such a great thing you probably want to know how to get started blogging right now! That will be covered in Blogging For Profit The series #2.

    About The Author

    This article was written by: Chris Ryerson who is the owner and designer of over 10 sites that are currently on the web. If you are interested in reading this article and other articles like it you can go to You may also want to check out the wide variety of Templates and Free Webmaster tools at Crown Templates.

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